About Us

About Me. Well, us!
I am a single mother of two young children, and I began formulating bath and body products for personal use back in 2020. I took a bit of a break after the birth of my first daughter, but I got back into it again about eighteen months later... as I got pregnant with my second daughter!
When I'm not busy with the day job or working on MLKIT Soap Co, I spend my time with my daughters or walking my dog. If I have any spare moments when the house is quiet, you can usually find me sitting in my corner, cross stitching my mammoth (Disney!) piece, or I'll be at the dining table whipping up some clothes.
Jayne is my mum. When I first mentioned about starting a business, she was sceptical. I have a job, two daughters, a dog, and I was redecorating the house when I told her my intentions.
But, despite her initial scepticism, she was soon able to hop on board and share my vision and the business would not be here now if it weren't for my supportive and encouraging mum. She has kept me on the straight and narrow, reminding me to focus and pushing me to work more on the business when all I wanted to do was give it up. So, thank you, mum!
Linda is my nan. Like my mum, she was initially sceptical when I mentioned starting a business, but I know that was out of concern for how I would manage to do it all.
She has been a tremendous ear, listening to my business problems and helping troubleshoot all of my problems, even though she doesn't understand website coding or product formulating! And it goes without saying that without her, this business wouldn't be here. So, thank you, nan!
Our Name
You might be wondering where the name 'MLKIT Soap Co' comes from. Is it from the milky, creamy lather from our bar soaps?
Is it from the milky, creamy lather from our shower fluff?
From our shower oil?
In reality, the name 'MLKIT' came from my main motivation for creating this business: my two daughters.
I took the initials of their first and middle names (Kate, Lynn, Madison, Ivy) and combined that with our surname (Taylor) to create 'MLKIT'. And then I added 'Soap Co' so anyone who stumbled upon the business name would know what we sell.
While this name may not be a traditional soaping or bath and body business name, it is a family name and that is what this small business is: a family.
So whenever you shop at MLKIT Soap Co, or see us on social media, I want you to remember that behind this company is a family. That this company started with one mother, determined to make the best out of life for her two little girls.
Our Story
My love for formulating bath and body products first began in 2020. After a quick break when my eldest was born, I got back into it with a vengeance in 2022. By this point, my love for creating and for combining science and art had grown beyond personal use. I mean, there's only so many bars of soap, shower fluff, body scrubs and body butters that one person can use!
And so the concept of MLKIT Soap Co was born, straight from my brain. What initially started out as a small endeavour ended up being such a big undertaking that I needed to rope in some extra hands to listen, give advice, and just generally help!
The plan was to initially launch with bar soaps, however my motto for 2023 ended up being GO BIG OR GO HOME so by the time I launched, I was launching with a range of bar soaps, shower fluff, body scrubs, shower oils, body butters, and a lip balm.
I'd consider that going big, wouldn't you?
Our Ethics
MLKIT Soap Co is an environmentally conscious company. Even in my personal life, I always look for ways in which I can reduce, reuse and recycle.
Where possible, we will always refrain from using plastic at MLKIT Soap Co, which is why you won't find any plastic in our shipping products.
However, where it is felt that plastic is a necessity (i.e. for our in-shower products, where using glass would pose a health and safety risk), we make sure to use recyclable PET jars to reduce our impact on the environment.